Firebase is known as Google’s platform for mobile and web development. This helps entrepreneurs build, improve, and scale the app products. This platform provides a set of tools that make the product development process a lot easier. But, there are some cases when Firebase is unable to provide the best performance. Choosing a new Firebase alternative becomes necessary as it shortens the time and effort put in by developers.
- Never share data with third-party tools
Firebase comes with a limited set of security standards. It follows rules and focuses on sharing data across platforms and users. If you do not want things to get shared, then it is better to choose affordable Firebase alternatives as your backend.
- Handle complex queries
Firebase fails when it comes to handling processing complex queries. The Firebase relies on a flat data hierarchy and fails to handle complicated queries such as reversing the order of certain items. Reversing the order of items cannot be executed using Firebase. Also, in case you go offline, your app might begin to underperform. This results in your application’s inconsistent performance that may lead to chances to lose customers.
- Increase the processing time
Firebase is very much oriented towards real-time synchronization. This can result in a data conflict sometimes. Also, it usually caches data in memory, which slows down the processes over time. This is the reason Firebase alternatives are used to integrate microservices.
- To handle intelligence functionalities
Business intelligence solutions are not supported by Firebase. Therefore, you should not use Firebase if your solutions require BI calculations. Also, it is preferred to choose firebase alternatives when you need to validate your ideas and be ready to begin programming your application.
- Getting high data integrity
Firebase solutions do not guarantee data integrity. This is because it has very dynamic data structures similar which are free offrm since it is a NoSQL database. Dealing with relations with NoSQL is hard and dealing relations with Firebase is even harder. Therefore, you cannot constrain the data on the database level and keep the logic on the code level. Bugs are inevitable, hence, sometimes things may not work or handle properly which can make the data messy.
When it comes to choosing a Firebase alternative, it is important to understand what your application needs and analyze its functionalities. You must focus on scaling capabilities, the complexity of queries, frequency, and other factors that are required to make the best decision.